Princeton Engineering Services, PC specializes in the design of Emergency Call Systems for Senior Housing, Assisted Living and Adult Housing.
We recommend FM transmission technology in all wireless signaling devices.
Many older facilities have separate systems for emergency-call (often a hard-wired pull cord), paging, and telephone functions. These systems require extensive cabling and wiring. They are expensive to install and maintain, and are often unreliable.
The most obvious disadvantage of the pull cord is that the resident may not be near the cord during an accident. A cord can't help the resident if he can't reach it.
Princeton Engineering Services, PC recommends FM transmission technology in all wireless signaling devices. FM radio frequencies are less prone to interference and transmission 'dead spots' than standard AM frequencies. This offers far better reliability, range and flexibility to the user at all times.
The conventional pull cord systems are hard-wire pull cord systems. These systems require extensive cabling and wiring. The most obvious disadvantage of the pull cord is that the resident may not be near the cord during an accident. A cord can't help the resident if he can't reach it.
In retrofit situations the existing telephone instruments will be replaced with an instrument as shown in the picture. This instrument will allow one touch emergency dialing. The one touch dialing can be activated from either the terminal or a wireless transmitter button. The terminal continues to dial until the call for help is answered.
The system allows two-way voice capability. This two-way voice capability allows immediate communication between clients and respondents.
Activity monitoring will notify monitoring center or if no activity occurs within a preset time period if desired. The activity monitoring feature will reset every time the customer uses the telephone or touches the handset or any key.
At the point of monitoring will be a single line monitoring station that will be both reliable and extremely simple to operate. The front end system will have the ability to receive emergency calls from the main user unit, provide a hard copy of each event, including time, date, and resident's apartment number, sends alphanumeric messages to select pagers.
Monitoring staff members will immediately know who activated the signal and their apartment number. They can now call the individual in their apartment to determine the nature of the problem, or go directly to the residence.
Princeton Engineering Services, PC specializes in the design of digital CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) system to allow remote viewing and surveillance and Card Access system for schools and commercial buildings.