Automatic sprinkler systems are a vital part of any fire protection strategy. They are installed to protect property, comply with legal requirements or for life safety. To be effective sprinkler systems must be:
• Installed correctly.
• Designed in relation to the risk.
• Adequately maintained.
• Correctly tested.
Failure to meet any of these standards will result in a system which may not control a fire with subsequent serious consequences.
• Inspect sprinkler systems.
• Test the systems.
• Evaluate the system in relation to the risk.
• Prepare specifications for new systems or extensions to systems.
• Check hydraulic calculations and approve sprinkler drawings.
• Oversee commissioning tests.
• Guide a customer through all aspects appertaining to the design, tendering, installation and testing of sprinkler systems.
An in-depth inspection of the sprinkler systems which will include:
• A survey of all pipework, valves, heads and all parts of the sprinkler system.
• Evaluating the system and water supplies in relation to the risks protected.
• Testing of the installation and the water supplies including:
- Running water tests (to drain) at the valve set to confirm that the supply meets its original design criteria.
- Testing of any pump(s) or other water supply to confirm that these continue to meet their design criteria.
Our qualified Engineer.
The following documents should, if possible, be available at the time of the survey:
a.) Any sprinkler drawings and hydraulic calculations.
b.) The completion certificate for the installation.
c.) The sprinkler test cards.
d.) The maintenance contract.
A prior appointment will be made with the main contact who will then arrange the appointment with the person who can carry out testing on the pump(s) and valves. If necessary the survey will be timed when the weekly testing is undertaken.
The survey will comprise a thorough inspection of the system which will include details of the risk in relation to the sprinkler design, condition of the system, obstruction to the system, extent of protection etc.
Tests will then be carried out as follows:
• On the valve sets (full flow tests).
• On the pump(s) (phased and full flow tests).
• On any other water supply.
On completion of the inspection a further meeting will be held to agree with management the recommendations which will be included in the report.
A report will be produced detailing the existing sprinkler system, its suitability to the risk it is protecting and highlighting any problem areas. The report will also highlight any deficiencies in the maintenance and testing of the system and in relation to the current British standard. We will provide observations and prioritise the recommendations to highlight areas for immediate action and those requiring long term planning. With the customer's permission, photographs will be taken to highlight problem areas.
The time to complete the work will depend on the number of sprinkler installations at the premises. A single installation is likely to take one day to carry out the survey and prepare a report.
Sample Fire Sprinkler Systems Projects
George Washington Carver High School